Ready to Let Money Flow To You? Try These Secrets of Abundance
Season 3 • EP 07 • February 11, 2025

With Co-Hosts davidji & Elizabeth Winkler
Ready to Let Money Flow To You? Try These Secrets of Abundance
What if you could always be on the receiving end of money??? Join us on a journey where we unravel the emotional and cultural threads woven into our financial lives. Inspired by Ken Honda’s “Happy Money,” Elizabeth Winkler and davidji explore how our upbringing and cultural narratives shape our financial mindsets, often binding us to a scarcity mentality. We share personal stories and insights that reveal how viewing money as energy can transform these narratives, creating a flow of abundance that positively impacts our lives.
Experience the surprising magic of affirmations as we recount stories of unexpected financial gifts, from mysterious checks to diamond rings. Together with Elizabeth, we navigate the curious interplay between money and energy, where beliefs significantly influence our financial experiences. From humorous takes on the IRS to the buzz and skepticism around cryptocurrency, we untangle how our attitudes shape reality, emphasizing the importance of shifting perspectives to harness positivity and abundance.
Finally, we ponder the deeper meanings of financial empathy and generosity. With insights drawn from Elizabeth’s commitment to charitable giving and innovative experiments in social finance, we delve into the power of aligning with one’s “North Star” and treating money with kindness. Embrace the philosophy of balance and flow, as illustrated by the concept of “happy money,” and discover how these principles can lead to financial freedom.
This episode delves into our relationship with money, exploring the emotional complexities and how our upbringing impacts our financial mindset. The conversation encourages listeners to recognize money as energy and embrace practices that foster abundance, healing, and gratitude in financial transactions.
- Discussing childhood experiences shaping our attitudes toward money
- Money as energy and the importance of healthy transactions
- Exploring the concepts of happy vs. unhappy money
- Personal anecdotes about affirmations related to money
- Examining the power of generosity and receiving abundantly
- The transformative effects of trust and flow in financial matters
- Insights from a community experiment focused on the free circulation of money
- Encouraging mindful spending and gratitude in financial interactions
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Big shoutout to the amazing Jamar Rogers for creating such powerful music and lyrics for the official song of The Shadow & The Light Podcast!
Transcript generated by AI:
Elizabeth Winkler: 0:20
Welcome to the Shadow and the Light podcast with internationally renowned meditation teacher, davidji.
davidji: 0:26
And heart healer and psychotherapist Elizabeth Winkler, as we guide you through our unique fusion of ancient wisdom and modern psychology.
Music: 0:36
Get ready to awaken your true essence, heal your wounds and transform your shadow into Hi davidji.
davidji: 1:09
Oh, hello there Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Winkler: 1:10
So today let’s discuss a very powerful topic. It’s emotional. We all deal with it all the time. We have different relationships to it Money oh, good one.
davidji: 1:27
We have never had an episode on money, so this is very, very exciting. Please take us Well.
Elizabeth Winkler: 1:31
I’m sitting in a room with someone who actually worked your previous life. You are working in finance, am I right? Yes, yes, I’m sure you have a lot of insight. And I was thinking about this. You know I love this book, happy Money, ken Honda’s book. I’m always referencing different books, different teachers, in my work as a therapist and money comes up a lot, comes up a lot in relationships. I mean, we’re always in a relationship, but we’re in a relationship with money and a lot of us were raised with particular points of view and Wait, wait, wait wait, wait, back that up, because that is just so brilliant.
davidji: 2:09
This is why Elizabeth just does it to us. It’s just crazy. We’re in a relationship with money, just like we’re in a relationship with our relationships. We’re in a relationship with ourselves, about other people, but we certainly are in a deep, deep relationship that has been developed and cultivated since we first understood the concept of abundance ever in our lives, probably in our first, I don’t know, three days on the planet, there was some moment of abundance or poverty, consciousness lack, and that could have formulated who we are 30, 40, 50 years later.
Elizabeth Winkler: 2:49
I think this is so deep, it’s so fascinating to me. I’ve done a lot of work on my own self in relationship to this topic. I’ll use myself as an example. I did a lot of my own therapy. Even not that long ago I was doing deeper dives into my relationship with money because the way that my parents related to it, we didn’t talk about it. We lived in a home where you don’t talk about money, you don’t. If you ask, you know, I would be a curious child, like, well, how much money do you make? And that was like something you would never discuss, you know. And then I could tell you. But then I have to tell you and then that would be considered rude, right. And then I had relationships with you know other people who they talk very openly about that, and so it very much informed how it’s cultural as well.
Elizabeth Winkler: 3:41
Absolutely, and then. So it’s very much affected how I raised my own children and I’ve been in deep reflection with them as well. Often, when we are reacting from the way we were raised around something, it’s not necessarily the answer. It still has an impact. It still has its charge, yeah, or it has its own shadow, okay, right. So nothing’s perfect. It’s not like the way that my parents said it was wrong or anything. I’m not saying that, but it didn’t work for me. I felt like I didn’t really have a lot of understanding around things that I wanted to understand better. Now I have raised my own children I mean, I still am, but they’re older and I’ve been talking to them about it and I’ve also just seen how I’ve transcended a lot of things and I’m still held back by those prisons.
Elizabeth Winkler: 4:39
I would say that I felt I was in when we didn’t get to talk about money as a kid and it’s just fast. I mean I’m just fascinated by the psyche and how deep this stuff is. Money is just so emotional for everyone. Just in the last, I think, week or two, money came up in lots of sessions with people and I was talking to them about this book, happy Money, ken Honda and I love something that he teaches, which is what’s your relationship to money? Look at that, and he was talking once I think this was in an interview and he had money and he said something he says to his money like he talks to his money when he gives his money out, like he’s paying for something he’ll say to his money. Like he talks to his money when he gives his money out, like he’s paying for something he’ll say to his money well, go, have fun and bring back your friends to the money.
Elizabeth Winkler: 5:32
And cultivating this relationship to money, this positive, flowing relationship, let it be like your circulation. It’s flowing, it’s not what would you say, like it’s not, there’s not a barricade, it’s not, which, you know, it’s abundance versus scarcity. And so my son and I this was a few years ago we were listening to Happy Money in the car and and he was, you know, ken Honda is talking about like when you write a check for something, a large check, and are you angry about it, like, oh, I can’t believe I have to spend this money, you know, and that’s you’re putting an energy of you know, anger or whatever. That’s what you’re circulating and can you redirect the emotion to. This is going to help, whoever it’s going to help, like how, what kind of energy are you bringing into it? Because, to be more aware of the intention that you write that check with, or when you have to pay for something, or you get to pay for it, rather have to pay for, and so it’s there’s these small ways that you can shift and circulate the flow of money.
davidji: 6:45
Well, let’s just back up a bit. Money is energy.
Elizabeth Winkler: 6:48
davidji: 6:48
Money is energy. That’s like one of our most core things that we all have to realize, no matter what the conversation is. It’s energy and we of course, just like with love, we apply all these different positive and negative things to how we feel about people and stuff and things. It’s the same way if you have like a part of your body that aches and you could be so mean to that part of your body Ah, my damn hips are killing me, my broken hand, my fingers can’t open that jar, my back hurts me what are we doing? We’re chastising or scolding or trying to shame, trying to blame this part of our body that’s not functioning in a way that we wanted to or that it used to, and so we start to build up these negative thoughts. And I’ve always felt we do the same thing about money. If you’re kind to it, if you treat it with love and compassion, then you have this like sweet relationship with it and I love that line. You know, bring your friends back with you.
Elizabeth Winkler: 7:54
Go, have fun and bring your friends back to me.
davidji: 7:58
Yeah, because that’s what we want. We are conduits. We’re conduits of love, we’re conduits of healing, we’re conduits of energy and we, of course, are conduits of the energy of money and if our arms are always open, it’s going to keep coming into us and probably will keep flowing out to people who need it. If we could be kinder to our heart, kinder to the energy of money, I think we would feel so much more abundant with that. So I just love that, love that concept. As a graduate of the Hoffman Institute, one of the things that you do before you go to Hoffman and just a quick aside Hoffman is this place where you go and you emotionally deconstruct yourself and then emotionally reconstruct yourself. I’m a graduate of that program, which I would recommend to everybody, no matter who you are. It was sold to me as a leadership program. It’s actually an emotional healing program. So this was like a core component of Hoffman setting up. They ask you 700 questions and essentially they say who’d you get this trait? From? Your mother or your father? So of course there’s this giant scenario where Like, oh well, I didn’t like the way my mother handled this thing, so I’ll act this way about it. But the beauty of Hoffman is, even if you rejected one of your parents, how they felt about something. You might’ve responded differently. Let’s say, one of your parents never tipped. They were like, too bad, I’m not going to tip. So you could either reject that and say I’m always going to over tip for the rest of my life, or you could say, well, my dad, he’s a pretty smart guy, I think I’ll never tip also. And so we don’t know. There’s no like. Oh, it’s both conditioning Right, your parent is this way. It could come out a lot of different ways. So I love the fact that you have sprung this topic on us, elizabeth. Wealth is not just about money, it’s Tonglen. Can you receive graciously and can you give with enthusiasm and happiness, and sometimes we’re better at some of these things than other times.
davidji: 10:28
Many years ago it was my very, very first time even meeting Deepak back in the day during my Eat Pray Love journey, and this woman gave me a flower, a woman that I had met like three hours before. She gave me this beautiful flower. I felt a little embarrassed, I felt a little resisting, I felt a little oh, no, no, no, no, no. We barely know each other. You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t. And I didn’t really even know Deepak.
davidji: 10:55
And he came up to me and said do you consider yourself generous? And I said, yeah, I think so. And he said I saw you resisting that gift of that flower that that girl was giving you and you know, of course I was a little embarrassed like, oh, it was that obvious that Deepak, from across the room, is watching me interact with this thing. He said I saw you put your hands up, even to energetically block it. Wow, this is not abundance, this is not generosity. You must be a generous receiver as well. And it always stuck with me and that was really like the tip off for me, that we are conduits and that we need to be in like feng shui, we need to be like in qigong, just flowing that energy, allowing it to come into us with no impediments. Someone gives me a gift. Now I am so happy, I’m so excited, I hug them, I thank them and I’m like, wow, you actually went to the. I’m holding up the gift that Elizabeth gave me, this little rattle that she brought back from Costa Rica with a little amethyst in it which you can’t see. But these are the things that make life so special and really what we’re saying is oh no, I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy of your kindness. And as I’m doing this, I’m holding my hand up, you know, blocking like a stop sign, and this is.
davidji: 12:25
I think this is a really, really big challenge and I think this takes some time and work, and that’s why I like to practice Tonglen, which is the giving and receiving meditation, where we breathe in. Well, in the original Tonglen, you are breathing in the pain and suffering of some group or some individual or the planet into your heart, which then transmutes it because your heart can handle everything, and then you flow back healing or kindness or compassion back out to those individuals or whoever that is. That could be a little intense for someone on the first day of practicing Tonglen. So I’ve always created let me breathe in healing and let me release fear, let me breathe in nourishment and let me release constriction, things along those lines. And now I practice double Tonglen.
davidji: 13:14
The first thing I do is strengthen my heart and get very, very clear, breathing in nourishing things and releasing darkness back into the world. But I’ll release it to the ocean, sweet mama. Oh, I’ll release it to the earth, mother Gaia. I’ll release it to the sky because it can handle it. Sweet mother earth can handle all of that. So I take in nourishment to build my heart. I release it back out as anything that’s not serving me and then, once I’m in that place with a really strong heart, I breathe in the pain and suffering of others. I’ve been doing that for quite a while.
davidji: 13:55
Anytime there’s a disaster, anytime there’s an atrocity, anytime there’s some type of tragedy, I do that and I believe in the power of prayer. And I believe in the power of prayer and I believe in the power of energy. Einstein said energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another. And Einstein said everything is energy. So I’ll go with him on this one, and I think this is one of those things, elizabeth, that it’s never going away till we take our last breath. Our relationship with money and they call it currency and currency flows, currency is all about fluidity. And the second we stop that flow, begin the stockpiling and not the release of it, because money is meant to flow At least this is my translation. Money is meant to flow, just like rivers. They’re meant to flow, they’re not meant to be stopped, Even though you do have that Hoover Dam analogy all the time.
davidji: 14:54
I was just thinking that, right, and when you talk about that and when you share that, you’re not speaking of it as like oh, and it’s so great, the Hoover Dam, no, it’s not a good thing. Blocking, blocking, it’s another blockage.
Elizabeth Winkler: 15:10
So how do we block? Think about your relationship to money, so one of the things that we can. Going back to the Ken Honda it’s like. So when you receive you were talking about receiving, being in that space of gratitude, being able to receive A lot of people are really uncomfortable receiving. I see that all the time when you get into that it touches on deserving and not enoughness and all that. If you feel uncomfortable, pause, notice and you can train yourself to say thank you and that will over time become bigger and wider ability for you to be in receptivity, because it’s a flow in and out. So when you pay a bill or when you receive money, you are in that flow of yes, in that flow of gratitude, thank you.
Elizabeth Winkler: 16:05
I have kind of a funny story, personal story, about money. It’s going to sound kind of crazy, but I got to tell you the story because I did. I think it was when I was first listening to Ken Honda, and so my sister and I did a little experiment, which had no idea what the results were. But whenever I tell someone to listen to him or read his book, I also tell them this story, and this is a true story. So my sister and I decided you know I love mantras. So I said, okay, this is what we’re going to do for one week. We’re both just going to say money grows on trees. Oh my God, money is everywhere it grows on trees. It’s everywhere it grows on trees. Oh my gosh, there’s so much money, so much money. But it was really like money goes on trees, money goes on trees, and I would go on a run and I you know there are trees everywhere. I call my sister. I’m like oh my God, there’s money everywhere.
Elizabeth Winkler: 16:58
Well, okay, so guess what happened that week? We both received a check in the mail. Our family has this farm. We didn’t know we were getting a check. And we both received a check that week for a good amount of money. And so that was a surprise. We both I’m like did you see? Yes, of course Money grows on trees. Then I kid you not, this is the craziest, weirdest thing that happened to me. I got a diamond ring in the mail. Like a day or two later Now, no one told me they were sending me a diamond ring. I wasn’t informed. I opened this up. It was from my uncle, my mother’s brother. It was like not even like in a FedEx or anything. It was just like in the mail and I call him and I’m like, uh, what you know what’s going on? Did you get a diamond ring in a just a regular envelope that went through the U S mail.
Elizabeth Winkler: 17:56
It was and I called him and he didn’t give me a heads up, nothing. And and he said oh yeah, we were going through some old, you know heirlooms and we thought that you would like this I mean, it wasn’t like a recent or it just happened the energy. So I’m just saying this never happened to me, except this one week when we were practicing this practice. So it’s fun to practice these things and to see how it activates you. So I always tell that story because I think it’s kind of crazy and it did happen. So work with some affirmations.
davidji: 18:30
I think for you and your sister to both be like enchanting mode money grows on trees and then both of you suddenly receive these checks. I don’t know.
Elizabeth Winkler: 18:41
The diamond ring thing is kind of crazy. I mean, what in the world? It’s true, it’s a true story.
davidji: 18:48
There’s only truth here on the Shadow and the Light podcast podcast, anyway.
Elizabeth Winkler: 18:57
So when my son and I were listening to this, he was listening to how the energy you put into money when you write a check and all this stuff, and he said something that I loved. He goes, mom, because Kenhana talks about happy money and unhappy money. So unhappy money is from when you write a check, from a space of guilt or resentment or receive one from that same.
Elizabeth Winkler: 19:18
And so my son. It was so funny. He looked at me and he goes mom, what about the IRS? They’re receiving all of this unhappy money. What is what? What about that? He was like thinking about the impact of like people having to write their, their tech, their checks to the, you know, taxes and all that sort of thing I agree with him yeah right, it’s either sad, unhappy or really angry money that the irs is.
davidji: 19:45
There’s no glee involved in one envelope that they receive, unless you thought you were going to have to pay a big amount and then then you got to pay a little amount. But again, that’s poverty consciousness. That’s great. That’s great. We could probably make a list of all those places. The dentists Are the dentists receiving happy or unhappy money? Certain relationships that we have where we sort of feel like, okay, fine, here’s my money. And there are other things where it’s like so exciting. So here’s an interesting thing.
davidji: 20:19
I’ve never really gone public. Obviously, people very, very, very close to me know, but you know, I’m a fan of crypto, right, I have been a fan and an investor in crypto for about eight years. No, I’m not a billionaire from this thing, but I believe in this concept. And whenever I stumble into some conversation, I don’t wear the shirt and I don’t really talk about it. But now, obviously, tens of thousands of people are going to reach out to me and going which altcoin should I buy? Or what about Ether? Or what about XRP, whatever that is Bottom line people get so upset.
davidji: 20:55
You know, someone will say to me so what do you think about crypto and I’m like, oh love it. You know, I’ve been buying Bitcoin since way back and they’re like, yeah, but isn’t it a Ponzi scheme? Yeah, but, and then they get so worked up. And you know, we’re not getting into like any details or anything along those lines any details or anything along those lines but just the fact that I am part of this community of believers in this thing called crypto so irritates these other people. Where do you think that’s coming from? They get worked up, they get angry. They tell me the 10 reasons why I’m a fool.
Elizabeth Winkler: 21:29
Well, I mean, I can only draw from my own experience around that I have people in my life who have. I was talking about crypto, not from a place of investment in it, but I was exposed to people who knew a lot about it through my own work. So I was talking to someone in my life about that this is years ago, who was in finance, and basically that person said everything he said. They’re like that’s a Ponzi scheme, it’s not going to last ‘m like I don’t know. I think it’s. I think it’s going to from what I’m learning, but the way I would look at it is an attachment to the way things have always been, maybe, and so it’s super funny because like now, years later, that person and I were talking and they’re like, by the way, I was wrong, I was totally wrong, but I mean I wasn’t trying to be right and I don’t really know a lot about it. But that’s all I can say about that. I think we get very attached to the way things have always been and as we get older, especially, and new generations, and we’re now the older generations and judging the new generations and we’re now the older generations and judging the new generations and how they do things and et cetera. So I think it could be part of that.
davidji: 22:40
I don’t know. What do you think? Oh, I think part of it is their sadness that they didn’t get in. You know, it’s like you could have put Bitcoin all you wanted at 3,000. Okay, 10,000. Okay 13,000. Okay 20,000. All right, 30,000. And it’s 100,000 now. So there were so many opportunities along the way and those people probably said, fool, there’s no use case, there’s no foundational case. So I think, probably irritation with themselves that they’re like, ah, I missed that thing, but that person still, they’re too conservative for that kind of thing.
davidji: 23:15
Well, here’s the beauty of this conversation about money and the energy of money, elizabeth, is that the concept of money has existed as an exchange mechanism or tool in virtually every single indigenous culture. We go back thousands and thousands of years. It’s a tangible form of exchange, legal tender. So the fact that this conversation in some way has existed, literally for I don’t know, 10,000 years plus, we know that people were engaged in exchange in indigenous cultures going back 50,000 years ago in Africa. You know, we know these things have existed and we know that it’s always been an issue. There are some things attached to that, because it’s so amorphous that everyone can apply their own thing, like this person who was arguing with me a few months ago. They’re like crypto is the devil. I’m not that attached, I don’t know, I just feel comfortable with it. So let’s go there. And I think one of the reasons I feel comfortable is a period of my life where I was involved in advising companies on mergers and acquisitions and we were talking about, you know, deals in the billions. Once you take that back to the 100 million or million or 100,000, they stop being scary numbers. They’re just numbers, they’re just quantifiable.
davidji: 24:49
We talk about the concepts, like the concept of infinity, or the concept of numbers that just keep going, like the national debt of the United States, which is burning up thousands of dollars every millisecond. Is our national debt increasing very, very wealthy? I said so. Does it buy you happiness? And they’re like no, but I buy a whole bunch of things that make me happy.
davidji: 25:20
But here’s what money does it allows me not to worry about money. That was their sole thing. Having money allows me not to worry about money, and it’s always stuck with me. This conversation was 30 years ago, but that always was like ah, it’s always stuck with me. This conversation was 30 years ago, but that always was like ah, fascinating, you know, fascinating. So we know that there’s energy to it. We know that there’s people who’ve had lots of money and lost it. We know there are people who had no money and then suddenly came into it. We know that there’s some people who receive diamond rings in the mail. We know that all these things exist out there and we know that money grows on trees. You prove that.
Elizabeth Winkler: 26:00
Exactly. So what about explaining a little bit more your teachings on abundance and scarcity mindset? Because I think, as a therapist, we read a book I don’t remember the name of the book, but it was about how our emotions that typically there’s a connection to a person that, let’s say, is a hoarder of their money or doesn’t spend their money, that they often let’s see if this is true for you are very internal with their emotions, are very internal with their emotions, and that someone who’s more generous, is more generous or open in their emotional being, right, emotionally available, that there’s often that relationship.
davidji: 26:45
I don’t think it’s yeah. Well, again, it’s the energy that’s flowing inside of us. That’s absolutely true.
Elizabeth Winkler: 26:50
Right. So it connects to you know, scarcity versus abundance, Right.
davidji: 26:54
So this applies to every single aspect of your life and I have said although some people roll their eyes when I say it how you do one thing is pretty much how you do most things. It’s rare that you show up and do something totally different than every way. You think or do something else. And so I think our relationship with money is our relationship with other people, it’s our relationship with the world around us, it’s our relationship with our heart, our relationship with what we feel we could do or change or shift. And money just has that crystallizing effect because, again, for thousands of years, there’s the haves and the have-nots. For thousands of years, there’s rich people and there’s very, very poor people. Eight billion people on the planet, so many different combinations. What was important? What did we do? What did we spend money on? How did we do it?
davidji: 27:45
Now, in the world of mergers and acquisitions, where I spent a bunch of years, it’s like matchmaking. The premise is to find a company that can complement some aspect of who you are and what you do. So if this company is particularly lacking in global exposure and you can find a company that thrives globallyative functions which can lead, obviously to massive layoffs and all those types of things. But that helped me as well to be compassionate when talking about those types of things. They shouldn’t be casual conversations of like, yeah, well, let’s cut these 20,000 employees. Of like, yeah, well, let’s cut these 20,000 employees. Let’s really have some empathy and compassion for these people who might’ve given their lives to a career they loved and that’s going to end. So my feeling has always been to awaken and connect to and truly understand your true conduit, nature. And if you believe that you are a conduit of love, of healing, of abundance of energy, of money, conduits don’t hold on to anything. It’s like the line from Hafiz, the Sufi poet I’m simply a hole in the flute through which the Christ breath flows. Whatever your religion is, if you’re just a hole in the flute that the breath is moving through the breath of the divine, you’re not the divine, you’re not the breath, you’re not the flute, you’re just the hole, and holes can’t hold on. And so we know that the most beautiful expression of ourselves is when we can allow things to come into us, allow them to merge and mix and have this beautiful fusion in our heart. And maybe this is a Ken Honda thing, I don’t know, probably not bring it into our heart and feel that love and bless that gift that we’ve received and, with that same inhale, let that abundance come into us and fuel us and nourish us in some way, and then can we flow it out.
davidji: 30:11
I remember when I wrote my first well, it actually wasn’t my first book, but my first book in this current incarnation Secrets of Meditation and I was so grateful while I was writing that book that I put in the preface that I donate all proceeds from that book to charities. Of course I never thought that book would be such a hit, and so every six months or so a nice check comes in that I hold for a couple of seconds or a couple of minutes and then I move it on to those organizations or those causes that I support or that matter to me. So that’s pretty good. I get to through works that I created in the past. I get to fund current causes and missions and I remember I think it was like year three the check was just way more than I thought it could ever be and I was like what, how’s that even possible? And I got a little clingy. That’s just my commitment to every reader and anyone who purchases that book in any way audio book or whatever that I’m going to just take my proceeds. I can’t speak for what Hay House does with their proceeds I only get 10%. So I can’t speak to what Amazon does with theirs or what Hay House, my publisher, does with theirs, but it just felt so right to do that. And that was in year three where I was like, whew, I didn’t anticipate it, you know, suddenly it’s like more money than I thought I’d ever receive and I’m just passing it along. And now, years later, I feel great about it. I feel so happy that I even got that opportunity because it’s kept me aligned with what my heart really wants to do.
davidji: 31:53
Secrets of Meditation has always been a rocket ship and that’s been a really great reminder of don’t hold on. You can’t see me right now, but I sort of have my hands in tight fist mode, as if I’m holding on to something really tightly. But I can’t receive when my hands are like this. If I loosen my grip and open my palms, then I can receive, and it speaks to holding onto things longer than you should. Why would you do that? Fear, desperation, those could be reasons. And so if how you do one thing is how you do most things. Imagine if you are hoarding, allowing energy to come into you but not letting it flow out. You’re getting constipated, and if you are blocking it, it’s not even getting into you. You’re blocking it but you’re giving. You will collapse because you will not have any fuel. Giving and receiving are opposite sides of the same coin, and if we do them both effortlessly, I think we just keep elevating our lives.
Elizabeth Winkler: 33:02
Yeah, there’s some story. I don’t know the whole story, but I just want to bring it up. There was like a town they did like an experiment somewhere in Germany. To bring it up it’s. There was like a town, they did like an experiment somewhere in germany. They like created like another currency of some kind and there were like limitations, like you couldn’t have the money more than a matter of months or something, so you had to keep it in flow. You had to spend it. You couldn’t save you, so it had to be in flow. Homelessness disappeared and all these things disappeared and it was.
Elizabeth Winkler: 33:35
I don’t know. I heard it. I heard it on a podcast with Ken Honda. They were talking about it. I mean, it was just an experiment they did, but it shows that what being in flow does, and when you were just speaking, the word that just kept coming forward is trust. It’s about trust, because so often it’s trusting that that’s going to flow in. I know, when I’ve had to make big decisions, financial decisions, sometimes I wasn’t certain, and it all because of my intention and that trust. It all worked out, you know. But a lot of fear comes up for people.
davidji: 34:18
Yeah, and we certainly can apply this to the nature of our relationship with money and the nature of our relationship with relationships in our life. And we’re not here to judge you or tell you come on part with that check, come on, give that money away. That’s not our agenda at all, so please don’t.
Elizabeth Winkler: 34:39
Yeah, take a look. It’s take a look at it.
davidji: 34:42
Right. Hold the mirror up to what’s your relationship to cash, to money, to crypto, cash to money, to crypto, to anything that’s some sort of currency, because it’s all energy. It’s all energy and we could probably apply. You know, when you mention that thing, I have I haven’t seen a study, but I would love to see a study where it’s like, okay, here’s how you respond to um, receiving money and what you do with it, and here’s how you, here’s what your relationships look like. You know, here’s the direct correlation of you are. You’re a withholding person in life. Guess what? Why would money be any different? You’re an overly or overtly generous person in life. This starts with the question Elizabeth, who am I? Who am I and what’s my relationship to the flow of life? Right, and then take however many pieces of that spectrum, whether it’s love or happiness, or money, or relationships or commitment or work, ethic or food, or eating or drinking or not, or habits or addictions we can just keep going. There’s some kind of correlation there.
Elizabeth Winkler: 36:04
Yeah, this also connects to like your North. You know what your North Star is. If your North is, I want to bring you know the north star is. If your north is, I want to bring you know the value, your deepest driving desire, right, what is your deepest driving desire? As your desire, so is your will. As is your will, so is your deed, and as is your deed, so is your destiny.
davidji: 36:23
Right so everything don’t mind us, we’re just quoting the the Brihada Ranyaka Upanishad.
Elizabeth Winkler: 36:30
So this is, we think of intention. You know, with lots of things bring it into your money. So one of the things again this might sound kooky, but why not? You know he talked about Ken Honda. Talked about being at a party and looking at someone’s money in their wallet Like it’s unhappy money. Someone was saying you have unhappy money or you have happy money, like next time you look if you have cash cause not many people do but like if you have cash, like treat it with kindness, treat it with love. I have a family member who, when he was very young this child, he was ironing his money. Okay, I knew this kid was going somewhere and he is, so he’s much older now but I remember babysitting him when he was very young and he was ironing his money. He was like five or something, I don’t know very young, and he just had this reverence.
davidji: 37:21
And now he’s the secretary of the treasury.
Elizabeth Winkler: 37:24
But I was like that is so interesting, like it’s totally stuck out to me. But what if you had this kinder relationship to it? You’re going to feel more connected to that north, more of your life will feel abundant, even if you don’t have to have a lot of money for that. But it’s going to enrich your life by just shifting the way you talk about your money. Talk to your money when you spend it, when you receive it. Just try these little things and see what change happens.
davidji: 37:55
You know, I have like probably 100 conversations a week with people and I probably get 3,000 emails a day. So there’s a lot of stuff that I’m paying attention to, and people I don’t know will share details, intimate details about their life, their relationships, their sex life, their money, their investments, their hard times, their diagnoses, their health. These are all unsolicited. When I’m reading one of these emails or one of these DMs, there’s a certain energy that leaps from them. That’s the energy of the content speaks to me and, yes, everything is my translation. Energy of the content speaks to me and, yes, everything is my translation. I feel they’re dripping with fear or desperation and the answer isn’t oh, let me cut you a check. That was from a previous episode. Do you remember that? The aggrieved person who just wants the financial compensation?
Elizabeth Winkler: 38:45
Yes, we were talking about relationships and we were talking about family members. Season three, episode two it was on relationships.
davidji: 38:54
What do you really want? What do you really want? I just want you to cut me a check.
Elizabeth Winkler: 38:57
Yeah, and you told me you were going to text me every time. You said it happens all the time and you have texted me several times already. So, yeah, cut me a check. It’s something you hear all the time. It is something Back to the money issue.
davidji: 39:10
Right, I have to go back and listen to that podcast because, yes, I remember that. Cut me a check. So it’s not like someone saying, listen, I have a dream and a vision to do this thing. Can you cut me a check? It’s often coming from poverty consciousness. I know it can be shifted.
davidji: 39:26
You don’t like the way your relationship is. We get to change our relationship to everything. How do you want it to be? I know it sounds trite, but sometimes what’s the answer to receiving more abundance of the universe? It’s being a conduit, which means you got to put it out there. If I flow it, then I’m creating a vacuum. Nature abhors a vacuum.
davidji: 39:50
Aristotle said that Let me breathe in, let me fill myself, let me release that, but knowing that as I release it there’s an opening again. I have this opportunity to let something new, something fresh, something different, something abundant come into me and as long as we remain open, channels that will continue to flow. Can we see ourselves as holes in the flute? Can we see ourselves as conduits? Can we see ourselves as these very, very powerful manifestors and realizing that, whatever view your mother had, you could either embrace it or reject it? Whatever view your father had, you could embrace it or reject it. There’s no right or wrong. And we’ve got the opportunity to go like six different ways, you know embrace my mother’s belief system, reject my father. Embrace his, reject my mother. You know we can go on and on with what that is. So your flexibility, which is also a very important component of abundance consciousness, your flexibility and fluidity and infinite flexibility is the secret, and I think it probably helps also if you iron your money.
Elizabeth Winkler: 41:04
Definitely. What do you think?
davidji: 41:09
today’s takeaway is davidji well, since it is time for today’s takeaway, living the light. You know, we’ve really touched on some powerful things and one thing we did not address, and that is the painful and extreme weight of the pressure of debt. If you could start today, unless you have borrowed money at like under three or 4%, but if you could start today just paying off some of your debt, even a dollar a day, even $10 a day, try to get to a place where you are in the process of eliminating your debt and if you got credit cards, pay them off the day you get the bill. This is unnecessary weight and pressure and tension. Otherwise, number one be a good receiver. Be a good receiver.
davidji: 42:03
Remember that giving and receiving are both opposite sides of the same coin. So give and you shall receive. Knock and the door will open. Money does grow on trees, as Elizabeth and her sister proved. And so maybe that’s not your affirmation, but how about having a real, uplifting and powerful money affirmation? I know that Louise Hay has one, susie Orman has one, gene Shatzky has one. Everyone’s got some kind of affirmation that they use. And what’s Ken Honda’s Like? Arigato, yeah Right, arigato in, arigato out, something like that, yeah.
Elizabeth Winkler: 42:47
Just thank you in Japanese.
davidji: 42:49
Yeah, thank you for coming in.
Elizabeth Winkler: 42:52
Thank you for going See ya. Go, have fun with your friends and bring your friends back, please tell your friends about me?
davidji: 42:58
Yeah Right, because think about it. If you were so dismissive to a friend and you treated a friend like crap, ultimately they’ll say I get the message, I’ll stop hanging out with you.
Elizabeth Winkler: 43:10
Back to your point about Einstein. We are energy. It can’t be created or destroyed. So if you have a field of like I hate this it’s very low, low frequency. If you’re using money as a way to expand your feelings of love and happiness, that attracts more of that feelings of love and happiness that attracts more of that. Start to practice with your physical money, speaking to it or relating to it in a new way, that practical application of when you write a check or when you spend money or when you receive money, simply saying thank you, internally, sending it with love, thinking of all the people it’s going to help. If you’re buying something, it’s going to that place, but then that money moves out in new directions. You can think about all the places it’s carrying out to that you can’t even see. What do you think?
davidji: 44:03
The power of your ripple. Yeah, I believe we transform the world by transforming ourselves. Imagine the impact the power of your ripple has on the planet, with you just pushing five dollars or euros, or pounds in a certain direction, or pesos, and then creating that space for something new. We don’t know what it will be, but something new to come into you. As Elizabeth said, trust, trust. If you jumble up the letters of trust, you get strut. So if we can strut our trust and put it out there and act as if, act as if you’re sitting on this giant pile of riches, act as if you’re just about to get, or just got, a diamond ring in the mail. Act as if you know, pick your thing, whatever it is, but don’t play small in this area Again, this is classic poverty consciousness, abundance consciousness.
davidji: 45:00
Let’s play large, let’s play. We don’t have to live large, but let’s play in larger arenas. And let’s not move out of fear or desperation. And, like I said, and let’s not move out of fear or desperation. And like I said, maybe you could begin your process just knocking down your debt, at least by the amount that it’s growing by. Lastly, know that you are so worthy of receiving the riches of the universe. So let’s begin our own journeys of happy money today From the sweet spot of the universe. This is davidji, and I’m here with Elizabeth Winkler, the woman who is the embodiment of money, growing on trees and receiving diamonds through the mail. So I would recommend that you follow her lead, because it’s a great, great path to follow, and we’ll see you on the next episode. Jamar, can you just sing a little bit of Abundance to all of us as you guide us out?
Music: 45:59
I will not be afraid Of the shadows in the dark. They will lead the way To the hidden pathways of the heart and that secret place. That is where I find my start. The light Is here to remove all my fears and to bring new sight. The light Is the time we’ll go to the deep To take me to you the light, the shadow and the light. There’s no fog and rock bottom. You hold it as you’re on the mend, but don’t rush past this moment. The darkness can become a friend. Love will come by your side and you’ll shine brighter than a million suns a million suns. You went through hell, but now you’re in the light. It is here to remove all your fears and to bring new sight.
Music: 47:08
The light, the light, light, the light. It is now that we’ll go to the deep to take you to the light, the shadow. The light has come because it loves us. The light has come because it loves us. The light has come to set us free. The light has come to set us free. The shadow come because it loves us. The shadow come. Come to set us free. The light has come to set us free. The shadow comes to set us free. The shadow comes to set us free. The light is here to remove all our fears and to bring new life. The light is here to set us free. New life, the life it’s a life that won’t go to the deep, to take us to new heights. The shadow and the light.