What are you being called to do right now? Let’s find out!!!
Season 3 • EP 09 • February 25, 2025

With Co-Hosts davidji & Elizabeth Winkler
What are you being called to do right now? Let’s find out!!!
What if the small, seemingly insignificant moments of your daily life were the keys to unlocking your life’s purpose? davidji & Elizabeth Winkler invite you to explore how everyday interactions and unexpected opportunities can align you with a deeper sense of meaning. We delve into the potent combination of ancient wisdom and modern psychology to encourage you to quiet your mind and pay attention to the whispers of your heart or higher power. Elizabeth shares an inspiring anecdote about Martin Luther King Jr., urging us to follow the breadcrumbs of inspiration that guide us to our true calling.
Join us as we navigate the journey of life’s phases through davidji’s Theory of the Dhri Arc. From the fervor of new beginnings to contemplating the next chapter, we discuss how these transitions are not losses but rather gateways to new adventures. Life is about showing up and trusting the process, and this episode provides guidance on how to embrace change and foster personal growth.
Through stories of personal transformation, we illuminate the power of trusting in life’s natural arcs. Change, as challenging as it can be, is an invitation to growth and renewal. Listen in and discover why trusting the unknown and allowing life to unfold can lead to unexpected and exciting opportunities for growth, healing and self-discovery.
We transform the world by transforming ourselves.
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Visit davidji.com & elizabethwinkler.com for additional healing resources.
Big shoutout to the amazing Jamar Rogers for creating such powerful music and lyrics for the official song of The Shadow & The Light Podcast!
Transcript generated by AI:
Music: 0:00
I will not be afraid of the shadows in the dark. They will lead the way to the hidden pathways of the heart and that secret place that is where I find my start.
Elizabeth Winkler: 0:17
Welcome to the Shadow and the Light podcast with internationally renowned meditation teacher, davidji.
davidji: 0:23
And heart healer and psychotherapist Elizabeth Winkler, as we guide you through our unique fusion of ancient wisdom and modern psychology.
Elizabeth Winkler: 0:33
Get ready to awaken your true essence, heal your wounds and transform your shadow into into Hi davidji.
davidji: 1:06
Oh, hello there, Elizabeth. What are you being called to do? I’m not asking you, elizabeth, because clearly you’ve been summoned right here to the Shadow and the Light podcast, but that’s really our topic that I’d like to dive into today. Dive into today, and you know, the beauty of this podcast is that one of us has an idea of a topic or a theme we’d like to talk about and share with you, or if we have a special tool that we think could really help you take your life to the next level, and the other person has no idea. So, about a second, before we began this, that’s what I said to Elizabeth what are you being called to do? And I’ll ask you, listener, what are you being called to do right now? And where are you hearing that and what is it? And is it in alignment with what you’re doing or feeling and thinking right now, or the trajectory of your life, or is it contradicting or compromising that?
davidji: 2:13
I believe we have the answers deep inside of us to any question we could ever ask.
davidji: 2:21
Either we are in alignment or we are not in alignment with that voice that’s calling us. But if we can progressively quiet the fluctuations of our mind, we can hear the whispers in our heart. We can hear the whispers from the gods or from God or from your higher power or whatever that is God or from your higher power or whatever that is. And that’s why we are always recommending and suggesting and kind of nudging you to even just take a breath a few times throughout the course of the day so you can connect to that space where the answers can flow to you. And I think all of us, at many, many different times in our life, have heard some kind of siren call, and I don’t mean a siren like on a police car or a fire truck, but the sirens, the voices calling us from the ethers, inviting us into classic hero’s journey stuff. And as in every hero’s journey, the hero typically resists the call initially before ultimately leaning in. What do you think, elizabeth?
Elizabeth Winkler: 3:33
Well, I love this because it reminds me of a personal story when I was younger. I think it’s always helpful to bring that in. I didn’t know exactly what that call was, but there were little breadcrumbs along the way that I was following. There was things that pulled me in, whether it was people that I was inspired by. As a young child, I was so inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. Luther King Jr. I remember just bawling my eyes out in Washington DC after spending the day with other students learning more about his lifetime and all that he brought into our world, and so it can be something like that. It can also be a book that you read or a song that you hear, evoking something deep from within your being that you can’t really logically make sense of it, but it elicits, it activates something deep within our being which brings us to purpose. So I followed those calls along the way and leaned in.
Elizabeth Winkler: 4:46
I remember being in college freshman year, having brunch with my parents and my father giving me very fatherly advice that this path that I was on wasn’t going to lead me to a financial success. I found psychology after my mother died, which was right before my sophomore year in college. So this was freshman year and I was at that time studying sociology. And I said, well, fortunately, I had a lot of strength in my being on where I wanted to go. And I said, well, it doesn’t matter, I’ll live in a tent. I feel that there’s something here for me. And then it changed. My mother passed. I took a psychology class and I felt like when I read that book, I was reading that book. It’s like intro 101. And in that class I saw myself on the page and I followed the call. So that’s the first thing that comes into my mind when I think about this, and I think that this changes also how I’m here with you.
Elizabeth Winkler: 5:52
I followed a call. I took your 40 days of transformation. I had heard about you for years. Clients had talked to me. They’re like you should check out davidji and for whatever reason you know in time, you should check out davidji. And for whatever reason you know, in time, I found 40 days of transformation. Resistance is futile. And I I listened to it, and if you haven’t listened to it, you need to listen to it immediately, download it and site timer. It is perfect. It’s perfect, I love it. So davidji gifts us with a big teaching and then a meditation and then a meta moment at the end, and I love learning. That’s my thing. I have to always be learning and growing, and each day was full of information, some that I was familiar with, some I did not know anything about, and I found myself taking notes, you know, when you’re doing the teaching and it exposed me to the new mantras I hadn’t used.
davidji: 6:50
Were you familiar with Tattva Masi before that?
Elizabeth Winkler: 6:53
I don’t know that I had practiced it. I knew it, but I didn’t practice it in meditation. So then, at the end of that, or probably actually before I got to the 40th day, I was like I have to find you. So I did, I followed that call. I heed the call.
davidji: 7:12
Right. Sometimes we think, like for me to follow a call, I need to move heaven and earth and relocate and get this job and sign up and buy new clothes and do all that. Sometimes it’s just moving in a certain direction, which is which is, you know, allow it to be fluid.
Elizabeth Winkler: 7:28
And look at what it’s created. So I followed this call. I reached, I found your, your Instagram, your website. I saw there was a teacher training it was starting in like a week and they were like I don’t know how many books 30 books I had to read, or something like that, and I’m like I can’t.
davidji: 7:45
It’s only half that are required, so just putting that out there in case that just scared you away to another podcast.
Elizabeth Winkler: 7:52
Right. So I was like, okay, there’s no way I’m going to be able to do this in time. But I spoke to Nancy and I reached out. I said is it too late? She said absolutely not. You do what you can. And I did and I loved. It Changed my life.
Elizabeth Winkler: 8:13
At the time as a therapist. I knew I needed to make more changes. I’ve changed my therapy over the years. I knew I was doing more embodied work. I was doing working more with activations. Every activation of energy inside of our being is an invitation for freedom, and I was already doing a lot of meditation as well. But there was something that you were showing me that I wanted to deepen. So I followed that call. And then you know that was many years ago and now here we are. So following the call is a powerful thing. You don’t know where it will go, and this podcast was something that we didn’t you and I weren’t. It just kind of came up one day and we created that together, and so it’s really amazing, the creativity of following the moment, allowing the moment to grow something.
Elizabeth Winkler: 9:03
And I think a simple way to connect to that purpose that I teach is, you know, the North Star. So what has meaning in your life? What has had meaning in your life? What moments have had meaning? What is the energy exchange that you was created? Maybe it was, you know, connection or love or peace and and connecting to that North.
Elizabeth Winkler: 9:30
And if you’re doing, if you’re connecting to your North and everything you do, then you’re always living in purpose. You know you could be driving in traffic and connecting to that, so it doesn’t have to just be when you’re recording a podcast episode, as being on purpose or writing a book or having a meaningful conversation with someone. I think it’s important that we expand this into everything so that purpose just becomes part of our life. And actually this makes me think of something else that I recently heard which weaves perfectly into this, something else that I recently heard which weaves perfectly into this A client of mine told me, probably a month or two ago, that there was a man who had three close death experiences. I think he was hit by lightning, he had an open heart surgery or something, and I think maybe he was hit by lightning again. I might be misremembering.
davidji: 10:23
Just in case he didn’t get the point the first time.
Elizabeth Winkler: 10:25
But he had this life review. So one of the times when he was close to death, he had this life review and he was very taken by what he was shown, the moments that were shown and they weren’t these big moments, they were tiny moments and they weren’t these big moments. They were tiny moments, like when he smiled at this stranger and the ripple that that brought, like in his life review. It showed him smiling at a stranger and then how that affected what the stranger did to somebody else and this huge ripple that it had on the planet. And all of these life review moments were like that. It wasn’t these big moments that stuck out, it was these tiny things that had a huge impact. So that’s why, when we’re talking about this, that he would probably not have remembered Absolutely.
Elizabeth Winkler: 11:17
On a daily basis, they would bury it so deep in his subconscious Exactly Wow.
davidji: 11:24
I got chills listening to that, just conceptually, because as you were speaking I just wrote down. Sometimes it’s organic, sometimes less so, as surprises awaken and you choose. So that’s what I was writing when you were talking and I was like, and then you shared that and so we all would say I want everything in my life to unfold organically. That’s great, isn’t everything theoretically organically unfolding anyway? But it’s what’s our attention on. So we would think, oh, what are the core moments in my life? We’ve forgotten all those times we were kind to someone that we never saw ever again.
davidji: 12:10
This is classic the power of your ripple. We have so much greater impact and influence on the person riding in the lane next to us who’s wondering what we’re going to do with our car. The person behind us and we’re tapping the brake because we’re thinking about something and we don’t know what the ripple of that is. Or the person in front of us that we’re like come on, drive a little faster here. And we can just multiply that times infinity.
davidji: 12:38
As we walk in the street, as we move into stores, as we go online, deal with customer service, send an email, tap a heart on somebody’s social post or something along those lines, what this brings up for me is, if you’re on the path of being willing to listen to your callings, first you have to hear them, because most of the time there’s too much noise in our head, there’s too much activity going on.
davidji: 13:05
How in the world could we ever hear the calling? We actually need to get silence. So, number one, this is a real vote for having a meditation practice or at least some kind of practice where you connect to the stillness and silence that rests within. But even more deeply, who we truly are in the quiet moments or in the small moments is probably as important in terms of who we are as those giant moments where we’re on the stage of life and we’re making a point and we’re sending some messages, those moments where we’re trying to connect or connecting grandly. It’s all the small moments, because we probably have, I don’t know, a hundred to one ratio of small moments to big bombastic moments and they create that big moment Right, and we’re not even aware. We think it’s like, oh, it’s a big thing, we don’t say what’s your origin.
Elizabeth Winkler: 14:00
Excuse me, big moment, you don’t see it until you’re beyond it. Right? You look back and you see the fruition of the whole thing.
davidji: 14:07
Right and you could feel, oh, this is a big moment, but you don’t realize there were about 6,000 little moments.
Elizabeth Winkler: 14:13
It took 20 years.
davidji: 14:16
Like the overnight hit. You know the overnight sensation Exactly, remember me. I just popped onto the stage. It’s always great when you see people you know accepting awards and they’re like new artist of the year. And they’re like, yes, well, I’ve been working at this for 15 years and this year I got recognized, so I guess that makes me a new artist.
Elizabeth Winkler: 14:35
davidji: 14:36
Yeah. So we need to think like what are the internal new artists of the year inside of us and how are they flowing? You know, I know you’ve gone deep into this concept of North Star and I do just want to talk just for a moment. But it’s the concept of purpose, the concept of Dharma, d-h-a-r-m-a, and most of us are thinking why have I been brought into this life? What am I here to do? That’s great. Maybe there’s an overarching thing that you have been brought here to do, but I think more accurately is what have you been brought here to do right now, in this moment, in this day, this week, this month, as opposed to from the moment you were born until the moment you take your last breath? What have you been brought here to do? And I think that allows us to not feel the weight of like oh, but what if I’m wrong? And I think that’s what freezes people. My purpose is to and we’re talking about from the moment you drew your first breath to the moment you will draw your last breath what have you been brought here to do? It’s like it’s too big, it’s too intense. More realistically, it’s like okay, take a snapshot of today, this week, this month, these several months. What’s this starting point and ending point, or at least this moment in time. What have you been brought here to do?
davidji: 16:09
Right now it’s so clear with athletes, because athletes we figure oh, what have they been brought here to do? Oh, it’s 20-year career, maybe Basketball even shorter, I think. In the NFL it’s like three to five years is the average amount of time someone plays, so it puts a lot of pressure. I have been brought here to be the greatest person to ever play this position for three years. And then what am I? Nothing. And so what we realize is there are lots of dharmas, there’s lots of waves of purpose. I call them dhri arcs, d-h-r-i, ancient Sanskrit word 10,000 years ago, which translated into English, means that which upholds, and there are different parts of our life where different things uphold us.
davidji: 16:56
I always use Magic Johnson as the example. You know, was he brought here to be one of the greatest basketball players to ever play? Was he brought here to be the first voice of a famous person for AIDS? Was he brought here to quell the riots in South Central and then rebuild South Central with his famous Magic Johnson movie theaters? He’s a co-owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers. What has he been brought here to do? These are so many different things and we would say, oh yes, overall, probably heal the planet. That’s probably what we’re all here to do.
davidji: 17:32
Hafiz the Sufi poet says when all your desires are distilled, you will cast but two votes to love more and to be happy. So why are we here? Perhaps to love more and to be happy, but there’s an even deeper driving force, and it’s to serve, it’s to help, it’s to heal others in our life. If we can help, heal and serve others while we fulfill ourselves, does it get better than that? But what’s the thing that we’re doing? So I think it comes in waves. There may be 50 different purposes that you have in your life, or three, but it would be unlikely that it’s just one, it’s unlikely that it was one.
Elizabeth Winkler: 18:12
I would like for you to really dive into the tree arcs for everyone, because it’s such a powerful teaching, because it’s so true. I mean, just now I was talking about being a therapist. I’ve been a therapist over 20 years and I remember feeling that tap. So I want you to explain that.
davidji: 18:39
But I felt that tap when I was really drawn to meditation, teacher training and following that call and allowing that now to create this new DRI arc that I’m in with here with you, sure, sure, the concept of the DRI Ark. It’s a theory, so, as with all theories, I’m putting it out there and if you hate it, please let me know, and if you love it, please let me know, and if it makes sense to you, please let me know. I believe the beauty of the Dree Ark is that we could look at whatever it is that we’re doing right now, that we believe right now is our purpose, and we could break it down into three areas. And if you think of an arc like the McDonald’s arches, the golden arches of McDonald’s, so it’s just like that. And at the beginning of the arch moving up, I call these arcs. At the beginning. That first phase is when you’re just beginning something. This could be. Oh, by the way, the arcs are all about energy. They’re all about energy. So what’s the energy that you’re applying to this particular aspect of your life?
davidji: 19:37
So, in the beginning stage, whatever it is, let’s call that phase one, assuming there are three phases. In that first phase, you are leaning in hard. You’re not asking any questions other than let’s do this right. This could be a brand new relationship. This could be you putting your attention. Maybe you’re pregnant, maybe you’re just giving birth, maybe you just started a job, maybe like who knows what that is. But this is the beginning phase, where your head is down.
davidji: 20:07
I refer to this. I’m using car analogies here, or driving analogies, but I refer to this as the pedal to the metal phase. Phase one is pedal to the metal. You’re not asking what’s my plan B. You’re not asking what if this doesn’t work. You are head down and leaning in hard to that thing.
davidji: 20:28
The second phase, that’s sort of like the top of the arch, right, the very, very peak, and that can last from like a minute to 20 years. So it doesn’t mean like, oh, I’m at the top, it’ll be over in two days. No, no, remember, this is energy At the top. This is you moving, if you can envision this. You’re being driven in the limo. You’re standing up. I think there’s like a John Cusack movie or maybe somebody else. You’re standing up through the sunroof out there waving to all your adoring fans because you crushed it, you did it All that head down, pedal to the metal. Now you’re living the dream. So that’s where I refer to phase two as living the dream.
davidji: 21:15
Again, the car analogy is you’re standing up through the sunroof of the limo and you are celebrating the fruits of your labor. You did it and that can last, you know, for I don’t know, maybe you’re in a relationship for 50 years and so that could last long. But again, remember, this is all energy. Where’s your attention? Where’s your intention? Where’s your energy? You’re in just celebration mode and the sound effect that I would apply to this is woohoo. Usually it’s Mike Dooley who’s saying doing woohoo, but that’s it. It’s like woohoo, yeah, check it out, look what Ihoo. But that’s it. It’s like woohoo, yeah, check it out, look what I accomplished.
davidji: 21:58
Live in the dream. But at some point, at some point, consciously or unconsciously a little more car analogy here or driving analogy you’re going to tap the brakes. I refer to that as the tap tap. Phase right. Phase three tap, tap. This is the first time you say do I have a plan B? This is the first time where you say how long can this go on? Remember, you never asked the question how long can this go on? Certainly not in phase one. Pedal to the metal, definitely not while you’re waving to the confetti pouring out of, as you’re like being driven down Fifth Avenue and they’re throwing confetti out and you’re in the parade and they’re honoring you because you’re living the dream. You’re never. You’re not living the dream and simultaneously saying how long could this last? You’re not. You may say those words. It’s so amazing. I wonder if it could last forever. But you’re not working on a plan B.
davidji: 23:02
Once you tap, tap, it doesn’t mean it’s over, but it means you have allowed at some level, overtly or covertly, you’ve moved that energy or drifted some of that energy that you had originally applied to this thing. You’re putting it someplace else. Let’s just walk it through with a relationship, a generic relationship. So you meet someone. You saw those butterflies inside of you and you’re wildly in love and you can’t keep your hands off each other and you can’t stop talking and you fall asleep with their phone in your ear and all that stuff. That’s the pedal to the metal.
davidji: 23:38
And then suddenly you say, well, I love you. And they say, I think I love you too. And then it’s like that’s the living, the dream. That’s like this is the fruits of our labor. This will go on forever. I’m so happy, I feel so full.
davidji: 23:52
And then there’s not in every relationship, but we’ve all been there where either they’ve done a tap tap or we’ve done a tap tap because like well, suddenly you’re like they’ve been gazing at you forever. They haven’t taken their eyes off of you in like the six months you’ve been together. And now you’re at a cafe and some server walks by, so like hot guy walks by and suddenly the eyes go. They’ve never gone before, but now they’re like, oh, check it out, what if it wasn’t the dream? And so this is not the loser phase. A lot of people think, oh, I’m in tap tap phase. I must be in the loser phase. No, it just means guess what?
davidji: 24:33
You’re driving energy to your next DRI arc. Maybe you don’t know where it is or what it is, but you used to be. When you were like allowing yourself to go through the sunroof, you were at 100% energy. Now you’re sort of like at 80%. What happened to the other 20%? You’ve been driving it to your next DRI arc, the beginning your next phase one. You don’t know where it is, but this is all energy. You’ve driven energy there, so you’re actually building your next arc. So let’s take the relationship out of the equation. How about the job right, dream job. You get it, you get all the promotions, you get all the money and at some point you’re like, all right, I’m just not feeling it anymore, or how long can this last? Or even if you start a business, a lot of times you don’t have an exit strategy or a plan B. The second you create the exit strategy or the plan B. That’s the tap-tap.
Elizabeth Winkler: 25:31
Okay, let me build on this. So I felt that tap-tap. Okay, let me build on this. So I felt that tap-tap. I actually have it etched in my mind. I remember. I remember sitting in my therapy office. I love doing what I do. I really do.
davidji: 25:44
And you’re brilliant at it.
Elizabeth Winkler: 25:45
Well, thank you. I felt that there was something calling me and I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I needed to make changes. And I kept thinking of other therapists. Like I kept thinking about Ram Dass, who was a therapist and then he went in a totally different direction, but like he would come into my awareness and I’m like, why is this? You know, is it was. I don’t know if I would say it was uncomfortable. Why is this? I don’t know if I would say it was uncomfortable, but it was like what is going on? But I couldn’t. It was a feeling, it wasn’t really a thought.
Elizabeth Winkler: 26:24
So there was maybe an energy constriction, limitation that I was feeling. I was still enjoying what I was doing, but I felt like there’s more for me to expand. And I was doing. Obviously I’m always working on myself as well, and so through my own practices meditation, therapy I was seeing the fruition of adding different levels of ways to work with energy and I I was weaving that in.
Elizabeth Winkler: 26:58
But I knew there was more. I knew there was more in that that DRIARC was was beginning and yes, I will say I was a little, I would say I don’t know if it’s scared, like you know, like okay, well, where’s this going to go? Like you know, I had been more attached to this identity of being, you know, a licensed therapist in this particular type of way, and you know I had. I went and I followed the call and I did the meditation teacher training and you were giving me a lot of advice over years of time and saying you know, expand into this and I, because of my conditioning around being a licensed therapist and all this, I had a lot of attachment to how that needed to look and how that needed to be, and so I’ll couch got to have my chair the environment or I can’t do this Structure, there’s all of these rules, and I had to look at that within myself.
davidji: 28:01
And when Elizabeth’s saying there’s all these rules, she’s not talking about the legal licensing an expansive healer that you know. Shall she be the traditional therapist or shall she complement all of her deep training and studying and certifications with this more expansive suite of modalities to help people heal?
Elizabeth Winkler: 28:26
I mean I’ll add another thing here, Like okay, for example, something that I thought people would maybe judge or what would they think of me? I was noticing because I was learning more about meditation and all that, but I also was paying a lot of attention to astrology, which a lot of people think is crazy and that’s cuckoo, whatever. I was bringing it into only a couple of people’s sessions and it was transforming their lives. It was grounding them. It was helping them not feel like there was something wrong with them, and so I was testing that out. And then I just started to be like you know what this is working? It’s like when I did mindfulness, you know, when I called mindfulness the bullet train to freedom. I was working with activations of energies in people’s bodies and I was seeing that it was transforming their fear into freedom and their pain into power.
Elizabeth Winkler: 29:20
And then, with astrology, doing people’s charts and seeing how everything’s affecting people, and so I started to be more bold and lean in into what I was seeing was helping not just me but lots of people, and I had to let go of what people thought and all of that. That was a big piece of that letting go and following that call. So I just wanted to add that in, as you’re talking about the tap, because the tap can be exciting. It also can be like is this going to be okay? Is it going to like you know, and trusting what? What I was feeling? There was an expansive energy I was feeling when I was working with these other ways of being right, and so I would. So I would say it’s not necessarily something you’re thinking, it’s something that you feel with people. You’re with people and you feel an expansion, or when you do the thing, you feel an expansion, an opening of your awareness. That’s something that I just wanted to add here.
davidji: 30:32
I love that that is so powerful because you are an iconoclast. You have broken the mold and there are going to be people who stand on your shoulders for many, many years to come because of the way that you bring that practice.
Elizabeth Winkler: 30:49
So we were at the tap-tap. I did add in you were talking about the tap-tap and that’s creating that. If we’re thinking of the McDonald’s sign for people to have that visual, it’s creating that second arc, that second right, and you have to realize there’s probably 50 of those in your life, but that is a perfect way as we tap-tap at the peak of the first arc our energy is starting to move to the very, very bottom of the first arc.
davidji: 31:14
Our energy is starting to move to the very, very bottom of the second arc and, like I said a lot of times, we don’t know right If suddenly you’re laying in bed and you turn to the person next to you and you say you know, I thought I would spend the rest of my life with this person. Clearly that’s not gonna happen. That’s a tap, tap. You never thought that before the first moment. You think that Now you could say oh no, let me lean harder into the relationship, let me try to save it and let me try to take it to an even higher level.
Elizabeth Winkler: 31:40
And that might be the next three arc.
davidji: 31:41
That certainly was for people. I know Exactly that they re-envisioned, re-imagined their relationship Exactly.
davidji: 31:47
And you must see it as the next three arc, Because if you’repping on anything in your life, you have made, at some unconscious level, you’re full. You’re full and you’re looking for something else. This is no longer the thing that’s nourishing you or feeding you or satisfying you in some moment. So again, you could have 10 of these tap-tap moments with your partner and each time you reinvent, you rebirth, you recreate, and it’s another three arc you suddenly now I’m on to this next thing. That’s why we always say if you’ve tap-tapped, so many people think oh, I’m such a loser, I just tap-tapped.
Elizabeth Winkler: 32:30
Right, like I made a mistake, or like this career I chose, or this relationship was a mistake. Absolutely not Right, but that’s like saying, oh, I exhaled.
davidji: 32:37
I’m such a bad breather. I thought I was so great on breathing in Right, you know, and like no, there’s. There’s multiple components here. So everything we step into has a starting point and that pedal to the metal, that phase one that you know. Let me put my head down and I’m driven and focused and my full attention is here. Every experience in our life we could even apply this to a sporting event or to an entire season Everybody has this where they’re like.
davidji: 33:10
This is why I did this. I feel so good right now. I’ve worked so hard and here I am receiving the fruits of my labor, dancing, absolutely dancing and celebrating. You know what? That was a really good thing I did. It’s paying off and this could last forever. And then there is that moment where you’re like maybe there’s something else. Just asking that question is a tap, tap. And then there is that moment where you’re like maybe there’s something else. Just asking that question is a tap, tap and should signal to you I’m not a loser and this isn’t a loser moment, but energy is being transferred from something that I thought was the most important thing Clearly not and it’s moving into something else. Not sure what that is, but it’s building.
Elizabeth Winkler: 33:59
So how do you make that shift? Okay, so people can resist the call the tap top. Of course that can happen. And then that creates maybe not the easiest transition to the next one.
davidji: 34:10
Well, the longer you resist, then you. I don’t want to say there’s a fall, but you know the arc is coming down and the energy is moving to someplace else, so why would you have your attention and be so loyal to the past energy Because of shoulds that is now drifting out and moving into someplace else.
Elizabeth Winkler: 34:33
It’s so it reminds me of people being like well, I should, I should.
davidji: 34:36
Just follow this, because this is what I signed up for, and so I should, I should, I should, which creates a lot of guilt, and then you do potentially fall down to your knees If you’ve ever gone to like another, like another city or another country and you were like, well, you, well, let’s take a little tour, or let’s spend two days in this place, and then we’ll go to that place for two days.
davidji: 35:01
Let’s say you spend two days in Umbria and then you’re about to move from Umbria, you’re going to go up to Rome, or something like that. As you’re driving to Rome, if all you’re thinking about is why are we leaving Umbria, why I’m so attached to Umbria? You know, and you can just keep doing that, but it’s fake. You’re driving away, you’re fighting against the thing you’re doing. So if you want to turn around and go back to Umbria, rock on. But if you just keep driving towards Rome and complaining the whole way and you’re the one holding the steering wheel and you’re the one with your foot on the gas, you know that’s so. Many of us live our lives in this conflicted state, in this conflicted environment. So these are just awareness tools.
Elizabeth Winkler: 35:53
How do you make the shift so guide us to, instead of falling down at the bottom of that arc? How can we more easily catch that next wave?
davidji: 36:05
Yeah, well, I am someone who fell down and there was a period of time in my life where I went through the whole thing and then into the land of deep misery and of course, if you listen to our origin stories, you’ll hear some of that, where I share that and Elizabeth shares that. So the first thing is to have the deeper understanding and that’s why whenever I teach this in my teacher training or whenever I guide people through this process, I have them draw two arcs, because otherwise, if you just drew one arc, you would absolutely feel like a loser when you’re like, oh, I’m at the bottom of my arc now, but you have to draw the two arcs so you realize that second arc is building, that second arc is energy’s going there. Whether you like it or not, you’re doing that to it. Can you undo that? No, you’ve already driven energy there. Can you adjust Absolutely? Can you refine? Sure, can you shift Absolutely. But if you’ve already tap-tapped, sure, can you shift Absolutely. But if you’ve already tap-tapped, if I enter any kind of relationship with a company, with a person, with myself, and I’m 100% in the moment, I say I wonder if there’s a plan B. I have already, at a subconscious level, stepped away from putting my full on energy and attention into this thing. So, number one, you can’t think of this as like oh, I’m such a loser, I’m declining. No, you’re such a winner. You’re in the process of feeding new energy into this new thing. We don’t know what it is, but get ready, because magnificence is unfolding. Shall we run around searching when did that energy go? Where have I driven that 20%, that 25%, that 30%, and over time it’ll ultimately be 99% and then 100%. We’ve driven that into this other thing.
davidji: 37:58
Let me tell a story. You know how Elizabeth always tells these thing. Let me tell a story. You know how Elizabeth always tells these stories. Let me tell a story. So back in the day there was this movie called the Mothman Prophecy, starring Richard Gere. He was a reporter, I think. It was in West Virginia, and there are true sightings of the Mothman. But in this movie, which is based on the sightings of a giant moth the size of a human, that was seen in a green light at night by tens of thousands of people, anyway. So he’s a reporter and he keeps getting these phone calls and he picks up the phone and he’s like hello, the voice on the other end is the Mothman who’s telling him what’s going to happen and how many people will die from it. And he’s referring to natural disasters, so bridge collapses, earthquakes. And to prove it, the next day he picks up the phone and the Mothman says Denver 99. Wakes up the next morning, opens his door, there’s a newspaper on his front step Headline 99 die in plane crash at Denver Airport. And this just keeps happening.
davidji: 39:04
And Richard Gere is having his mind blown and he’s wondering how does the Mothman know every single one of these things? Clearly we’re talking about paranormal stuff and the question is does clairvoyance really exist? So he goes to Chicago to meet with the clairvoyance expert of the world, played by Brian Cox, of Succession, fame and many other things, fame. And they’re standing in front of the Sears Tower. Well, I think it’s called the Willis Tower. At the time it was the tallest building in the world, but now it’s maybe the third tallest In the middle smack in the center of Chicago. And Brian Cox says oh, you want to know if clairvoyance exists. You see that window washer up on the hundredth floor of that building right in front of us. From where he sits he can look out many, many miles. From where he sits, he can see that five miles out in the distance there’s a Ford F-150 traveling at 100 miles an hour heading towards an intersection. And from where he sits he can see that there’s some guy on a Harley in another direction driving 90 miles an hour towards that same intersection. From where he sits, he knows they’re going to collide in the intersection. Does that make him clairvoyant, says Brian Cox. No, he just has the bigger picture. And that’s what the Dari arc does for us. It allows us to see the bigger picture as opposed to getting trapped in the.
davidji: 40:36
I’m in phase three. I’ve tap, tapped what’s happening to me. If we know, oh, don’t worry, your dhri, your dharma, your purpose for this moment is coming to an end. That’s going to be the foundation for whatever this next phase or flow is that you’re going to be in. So, number one, do not get upset that you’re in phase three. Number two when you find yourself in phase three, you should start like licking your chops. This is like so exciting. Oh, this is unbelievable. I’m about to embark on a whole new journey. Don’t know what it is, but all the energy is becoming a rocket fuel for me to move into that next phase.
davidji: 41:15
I know I beat this drum on a consistent basis. But if you’re meditating, all things unfold so magnificently. If you’re not, how are you going to hear those whispers? Too much noise, too much noise. Too much conversation actually in the ether and too much conversation in our head. 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s one thought every 1.2 seconds. How are you going to dive in between those thoughts and find the stillness and silence? So we’re not trying to stop thought when we meditate, but it does allow us to just get a little more relaxed, just get a little more chill, just connect to that space just for a moment. And when we progressively quiet the fluctuations of the mind, we’ll get the insight for what’s our next phase, one of our next DRI arc.
davidji: 42:06
And so I would draw these out. I always guide people to draw them out, draw an arc or an arch, and then draw the second one, sort of like starting a little bit before that other one ends. So you realize that sometimes the fall can be somewhat painful. You know, there’s a period of time in my life where I sort of like blew up my life to move into the next phase of my life. I didn’t need to blow it up, of course it happened. So I can’t go back in time and un-ring that bell, but that’s what I would always say to you you don’t need to do the drastic shifts, you don’t need to blow up your life, you just need to ever so gently start pushing energy into some other area and follow the lead. Just keep moving along with it. And as far as I’m concerned, probably in the last 20 years I’ve had maybe 10 different Dree Arks, some of them involved in the exact same kind of worlds, but they’re evolutionary moves. So again, if you find yourself in phase three, don’t think oh my God, I’m such a loser. How about thinking evolution’s coming? I am so excited for this.
davidji: 43:16
The snake, upon realizing that his or her skin is shedding, does not have sadness for letting go of what no longer serves it, and we shouldn’t either, just as the butterfly. How much attention do you think the butterfly is paying to the chrysalis after it’s left? Probably not a lot. And we would say guess what? The butterfly in its final phase of being in the chrysalis as a pupa before it launches into the world. That butterfly is in phase three Because it started as a caterpillar, created this cocoon, then liquefied itself and then drank its nutritive liquefied soup and then started sprouting imaginal cells. This is a real thing. No, I know In science. The imaginal cell this is a real thing. No, I know In science.
Elizabeth Winkler: 44:20
The imaginal cell.
davidji: 44:22
Then it sprouted those, then it started losing all. When I let go of who I am, I become who I might be Rumi. Then shed all of that. How much time and attention is the caterpillar paying to the cocoon that it left? None, let’s be butterflies. Okay, let’s be full on butterflies, acknowledging I’m in phase three. The magic’s about to start.
Elizabeth Winkler: 44:47
Trust, trust. Fear will arise. This is not a fearless space. It’s what we do with fear. So, trusting the process, trusting the imaginal cells and what they can do, and following those breadcrumbs that, for me, was a huge part of it and then you know, noticing the energy that speaks to you, that you feel that deep within your being. I think that’s the path, but it’s a path of uncertainty. It certainly is. I just want to say that, because it’s not like you’re always going to feel confident when you’re doing this. It’s going to feel uncertain and that’s okay, keep going.
davidji: 45:33
The Shadow and the Light podcast has gone through this process as well, and I’ve never even thought when does it end? You’ve heard, Elizabeth and I joke, that our contract with the universe ends in 2035, which is when the next full-on solar eclipse is. And she has said to me but it could go longer, right. And I was like, yes, it’s 10 years from now. I’m not even thinking that. But of course we could have an extension once the solar eclipse comes.
davidji: 46:04
But this would be a classic example of us. We had no idea if anyone would listen. Oh and, by the way, we’ve got more than 100 countries and thousands and thousands of cities and we weren’t sure whether it would be like my dad in Florida and her dad in Oklahoma. And then we figured well, we have them, maybe, maybe, as listeners. And so this comes back to the trust Uncertain. We never did it. Elizabeth, you and I have so many different platforms where we speak to people and help people, but this was absolutely uncharted with the expectation that we were just going to get on mics and have fun and dance.
Elizabeth Winkler: 46:51
And trust the process.
davidji: 46:52
And trust the process and hopefully, in that process, this would be a great, great portal for people looking to level up or heal or transform. We’re in phase one right now. We’re sort of like at that bridge between one and two, because we are so excited and celebratory and we’re so happy with spending time with all of you on a weekly basis and, hopefully, wherever you are on the planet. You’ve availed yourself of episodes that are from previous seasons because we didn’t suddenly catch lightning in a bottle. Today there’s a whole bunch of stuff that we have dived into. So, elizabeth, this would be that perfect moment for today’s takeaway, which we lovingly refer to as living the light.
Elizabeth Winkler: 47:43
What I keep thinking as you’re talking right now is something you say all the time show up and do the thing. Show up and do the thing that is calling you, that feels you don’t really quite know what it is, but just allowing yourself to explore that, take a small step, follow the breadcrumbs, listen and feel into that energy that is shifting, trust it and then see what unfolds.
davidji: 48:12
So brilliant. We know energy is real and my theory that there are three energetic phases to all the different aspects of your life. You know the rising and falling of energy as we move into different aspects of who we are. So Elizabeth always has the final mic drop line in everything. Trust, that was her response to that. Just trust, so, so beautiful, so wonderful was her response to that. Just trust, so, so beautiful, so wonderful. My name is davidji. I’m here with Elizabeth Winkler, the trusting alchemical, transformative psychotherapist of all healing and DRI arc modalities. And who’s our fourth member? It’s Jamar Jamar. Take us to the next wave of our dris.
Music: 49:03
That is where I find my start. The light Is here to remove all my fears and to bring new sights. The light Is the time that will go to the deep, to take me to you. The shadow and the light. There’s hope out in front. You hold it as you’re on the mend, but don’t rush past this moment. The darkness can become a friend. Love will come by your side and you’ll shine brighter than a million suns a million suns. You went through hell, but now you’re in the light. It is here to remove all your fears and to bring new sight. The light it is not able to go to the deep, to take you to new heights. The shadow and the light has come because it loves us. The light has come to set us free. The shadow comes because it loves us. The shadow comes to set us free. The light is here to remove all our fears and to bring new life. The light is here to remove deep, to take us to new heights. The shadow and the light.