What’s your deepest desire? Here’s the SECRET to MANIFESTING!
Season 2 • EP 10 • October 1, 2024

With Co-Hosts davidji & Elizabeth Winkler
What’s your deepest desire? Here’s the SECRET to MANIFESTING!
What if everything you seek is already within you? Join us on the Shadow and the Light podcast with davidji and Elizabeth Winkler as we illuminate the transformative art of manifesting your true essence. We promise you’ll uncover how to move from the prison of the mind to the prism of true being, where relaxation and alignment with your authentic self pave the way to becoming a conscious creator. Learn the power of co-creation with the universe, trusting your heart’s desires, and inviting supportive energies into your life.
Navigating the intricate dance between doubt and manifestation, we’ll explore how embracing doubt can actually be a powerful catalyst for personal growth. Through heartfelt discussions and personal anecdotes, such as emptying life’s metaphorical junk drawers, we illustrate how facing fear and self-doubt can lead to profound transformations. Drawing from revered thinkers like Rumi and Joseph Campbell, we underscore the hero’s journey and the importance of aligning with your deepest desires to harness universal support.
Anchoring into abundance, we dive deep into the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita on dharma, reflecting on purpose, duty, and gratitude. By grounding ourselves in gratitude, we enhance our manifesting abilities and shift our mindset and vibration to attract what we desire. We also address the importance of empathy and compassion in understanding different perspectives, fostering forgiveness, and trusting the natural unfolding of life. Tune in to embrace your inner essence and become a conscious co-creator in your journey.
We transform the world by transforming ourselves.
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Visit davidji.com & elizabethwinkler.com for additional healing resources.
Big shoutout to the amazing Jamar Rogers for creating such powerful music and lyrics for the official song of The Shadow & The Light Podcast!
Transcript generated by AI:
Music: 0:00
I will not be afraid of the shadows in the dark. They will lead the way to the hidden pathways of the heart and that secret place that is where I find my start.
Elizabeth Winkler: 0:17
Welcome to the Shadow and the Light podcast with internationally renowned meditation teacher davidji.
davidji: 0:23
And heart healer and psychotherapist Elizabeth Winkler, as we guide you through our unique fusion of ancient wisdom and modern psychology.
Elizabeth Winkler: 0:33
Get ready to awaken your true essence, heal your wounds and transform your shadow into in tune, hi, davidji.
davidji: 0:44
Oh, hello there, Elizabeth.
davidji: 1:07
This subject has just been burning inside of me, and you and I talk about this all the time in so many different ways. This would be our episode on manifesting and, for those of you who don’t know how our podcast goes, one of us introduces the topic. The other person has no idea that this is the thing that we’re going to dive into, so everything’s spontaneous. We are not scripted and we have Mateo, our engineer, here just gazing at us, raising the level of one person when they talk and putting the other level down of the person who’s not speaking.
davidji: 1:46
So, Elizabeth and I don’t step all over each other because we’re so ooh, ooh, ooh. I have this to say, I have that to say. So, just so you know, this is the most enthusiastic podcast you have ever been exposed to in your life and it’s probably the only podcast out there that’s not scripted. We are purely flowing our hearts because there’s no sponsor Although it would be bad to have a sponsor out there, but there is no sponsor right now. Who’s dictating what we do? And, Elizabeth, yes, would you like to manifest your understanding of manifesting?
Elizabeth Winkler: 2:25
your understanding of manifesting. It’s such a fun subject. I love this subject. I mean, we’re always manifesting. We are creators.
davidji: 2:29
Co-creating in every moment.
Elizabeth Winkler: 2:31
We are, and I guess the question is are you in the present moment or are you in the mind, the voice in your head, the ego fear holding on? And when we are in our unconsciousness of just listening to the voice in our head, we tend to find that we are in patterns of behavior we continue to manifest unconsciously. But we have a choice we can be more conscious creators in our life, and so you and I taught a course on this last year and I loved that and for me, the beginning. We’re going to go through a bunch of steps, but you have to first orient to the self with a capital S. So I often say, we move out of the prison of our minds into the prism of our true being. So if we’re in the prison of our minds, that’s the good, bad, right, wrong ego structure that we’ve talked about a lot in many episodes.
Elizabeth Winkler: 3:30
And then there’s the prism. Why do I call it the prism? Well, we are that prism and you can have one foot in the white light of awareness and one foot in the rainbow of creation experience. So that’s the prism. And so, in order to do that, we need to orient to our true nature, our original self, and another way is moving from our roles, which is all the mind ego, to role to soul, so from our deepest level. So we first need to connect there to the who am I? You know my I am this, not I am Elizabeth. I am that, I am just getting to that. So we need to relax in order to be able to manifest. If you’re in a clinging space like I need, that I need, you’re probably in your mind and you’re probably in scarcity. So we need to orient to that original, true nature first.
davidji: 4:30
Manifest comes from the ancient Latin word. We say I want to manifest a soulmate, or I want to manifest a pile of money, or I want to manifest a new electric vehicle or whatever it is. You think there’s some place to go to create this thing and, Elizabeth, you hit it on the head. This thing has already taken place and it’s inside of you. Can you get out of the way? Can you allow the veils to fall away to reveal what has already been created? And that’s what manifesting is. You’re looking for something it’s already been given to you but you’re looking for it. For something it’s already been given to you but you’re looking for it. So we start to realize that so much of the quests that we go on, the vision quests to find the thing, the prayer, the begging, the hopes, the wishes and dreams, are taking us further away from this thing. And, Elizabeth, as you said, if we can just connect to that essence inside of us, the stillness and silence that rests within the truth will reveal itself. And that’s why I always refer to manifesting as a co-creation between you and anyone else who’s part of that conversation Could be the universe, could be your higher power, could be a friend of yours could be someone who’s truly on your side or rooting for you. But this is the beauty. Manifesto in Italian, is a public declaration. Right, this thing already exists. We’re just tapping into it, awakening it and sharing it with the world. Can we trust enough that the things we believe and dream and desire will present themselves if we are fully aligned? You know there’s the goddess.
davidji: 6:42
Quan Yin will grant any wish, any wish, under any circumstance, except there’s just one caveat. Her rule is I will grant you that wish as long as it causes no ill to anyone. So if you’re like no, 10 billion people will be made happy, but one person will be hurt by this Quan Yin’s not giving you that one happy, but one person will be hurt by this Kuan Yin’s not giving you that one. So close your eyes right now, rest your hand on your heart and say is this thing that I want so badly? Where is it coming from my head or my heart? What would my heart desire most, desire most, and who would I like to invite into my life to help me in this co-creation? And take a deep breath in Release your attachment to outcome Bhagavad Gita, chapter 2, verse 47, and release it all. Detach from the outcome.
Elizabeth Winkler: 7:58
You’ve planted the seed and if the seed and the soil are fertile and rich and you nourish, it by connecting to the stillness and silence that rests within, what you truly dream of will reveal itself from inside. Yeah, you always say it’s about the soil, not the seed, right, so there’s so much that we can do to fertilize that soil. So, if you’re struggling with anything, if you have pain, fear, doubt we all do you can work with that, work with that energy, allow yourself to be present with that, to, as I’ve said before, welcome that energy and allow kindness to mix with it. That will allow that to become fertilizer within you. Kindness to mix with it. That will allow that to become fertilizer within you.
Elizabeth Winkler: 8:50
And you know, I think it’s really important that we connect with our North Star around this when we are orienting, in order to help us orient to our deepest self. What is your guiding light through this life? What matters to you most? You know you can reflect back from this moment to your entire life and reflect back and notice what were the moments that stood out as meaningful, as deeply meaningful, what is the energy of that, and then, from that space, add that into your heart, as you know, an energy that you want to create from Then you’re accessing a deep, abundant space that you know, that you’ve experienced, that you viscerally have inside of your body, which helps you know, with us manifesting, we need to feel it.
Elizabeth Winkler: 9:41
So we shift by connecting to that and allowing any doubts you have. Let doubt be your doorway. So not being in fear of doubt, but allowing it to be a doorway into the unknown, because the present moment is very uncertain. When we were teaching this together, I think that’s when I defined doubt as it’s a denial of our original union. So D? Deny original O? U union betrays your true nature. So doubt is deny original union betrays your true nature. Wow, d-o-u-b-t. Deny original union betrays truth or your true nature. There’s not an N at the end, so it could be truth. Deny original union betrays truth. There’s not an end at the end, so it could be truth. Deny original union. But chase truth. What’s truth? Your I am-ness, your abundance, your natural state of being. So let doubt be your doorway. No fear of doubt. Actually, that’s right. When it’s about to happen, people go into doubt and they’re like, and then they run back to their head. It’s like wait, just stay with that trust, set your intention and let go.
davidji: 10:48
We could attribute this to Rumi who knows if he actually said this or wrote this but it’s attributed to him. What I seek, I already am. What I seek, I already am. The thing is already real, already am the thing is already real. If it is aligned with the bigger forces your household, your world, your higher power then it begins to grow. And if it’s not aligned, you’re going to spend too much time in the weeds of it and miss it in that process. It’s like we have the winning lottery ticket, but it’s hidden in our junk drawer. But we have it. We actually went out and bought it and they announced it one day. And here’s the winning lottery ticket, but it’s sitting in your junk drawer. So do you want to spend some time cleaning out your junk drawer? If you listen to our podcast, you know that Elizabeth helped me empty my junk life by letting go of a couple of canoes. That was in our episode.
Elizabeth Winkler: 11:51
Deep therapy.
davidji: 11:52
Deep therapy, where Elizabeth did deep therapy on me and I think I’m a little bit less of a hoarder now, a little bit less. I’d like to think I’m moving towards the light.
Elizabeth Winkler: 12:05
Do we have some more work to do right now?
davidji: 12:06
We still have some more shadow work to do, but this is a really important aspect. The only intention you should have is the intention to be present, instead of the intention to this or that, but you take a step and you lean in to the direction of the thing that you dream and desire. Elizabeth, I remember when we were doing our course together and it was really great Elizabeth was in her home, I was in my home, our home offices, and then in our final webinar, we were here right here in this podcast room. So that was pretty cool. That was pretty amazing. We manifested that. We did manifest that, and I don’t think either of us talked about it during the entire seven weeks. And then, right before, it was like, oh, come on, let’s do this thing.
Elizabeth Winkler: 12:57
Right. This podcast is a really great example of manifesting from your deeper being, because it was an organic thing that we weren’t like, okay, we should do this thing. It came out of a heart conversation and then it just took off and many people here may have their own versions of that story and I guess, once you’ve done the manifesting work of working with your pain, your fear, your doubt, allowing that to be the fertile soil, orienting to your true being, connecting to your North Star, all that stuff, setting your intentions, letting go and trusting the process, also looking at what am I living from day to day and am I listening to that sensory experience of what is David Hawkins? What is the name of that book?
davidji: 13:50
Power versus Force.
Elizabeth Winkler: 13:51
Power versus Force. It’s making me think of that. Where am I being drawn? Am I being driven or am I being drawn? That, to me, is so much about when you’re really living from that deeper, deeper driving desire, from the Upanishads. What is your deepest driving desire? When you’re in alignment with that very deep place? It’s like the universe supports you. It’s so much. It’s like a. I remember when I created my heart process for children, I called it a flock of doves moving through me, because it was something that wanted to be born and it just happened, you know, one night when my son was upset. And so things are like that. There are things that are wanting to be born, to be manifested through each person, and often it’s through your pain, your doubt, your fear, when we go through challenging shadow times. There’s gold in that and there’s usually a teaching, a wisdom within that, and you can access that if you allow yourself to go in it, and then something beautiful is born from that.
davidji: 14:52
Yeah, Our courage is forged out of this fire. You were talking about doubt. Self-doubt is so, so important. It’s actually a component of the manifesting process, because there needs to be part of you that second guesses the moment and even the hero’s journey. Joseph Campbell talks about the hero senses the calling or hears the call, and always every, every single hero, at some point in that first phase, resists the call. Look at any of your superheroes from the Marvel Universe, from Avengers, from Star Wars. Pick your superhero. They’ve been summoned to, like deliver the goods or do whatever, or allow their superpowers to thrive or shine. And then, of course, at some point they resist the call because they’re saying, oh, who am I? Who am I? Or this isn’t the moment, all these different reasons why this would not be the time to do the thing. And I think that’s actually a core component, because you don’t let a false start, you don’t let a second guessing, you don’t let doubt derail you. Everything needs to be course corrected, everything.
davidji: 16:16
Even when we have a new relationship, we don’t know who the other person is. We think we do, we love something about them or are attracted to something about them, but then we begin this little dance. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours, and it’s like, here’s another intimate thing about me that you didn’t know. And if they go, oh, do tell. Then you reveal more. If they go, what you voted for that person, it’s over Like, no, no, no, I was just kidding. And then you’re like, don’t reveal it, but there needs to be the. I’ll show you mine. If you show me yours, I’ll expose just a little bit more of my heart to you. If you do it to me, a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more. And this is what the manifestation practice. Is you willing to get so vulnerable that you can say, yeah, here’s what I really want? Why don’t we do that? We’re so afraid that if there’s a failure and this is why, in every hero’s journey, the hero resists the call because it’s like, oh, I don’t want to announce to the world that this is what I want People are very, very afraid to reveal. Here’s the thing I truly want, and it will require a course correction, it will require a stumble. That’s actually part of the game plan.
davidji: 17:35
If you got the secret manifesting handbook with its golden pages and parchment print that’s been around for thousands of years that Merlin or somebody else wrote. And then you turn the page, on page one or page two, it’s going to say you will stumble and second guess, keep going. You must trust your heart, and your heart never lies. Your head does. But you’re gonna be confused at times and you’re gonna listen to your head and move into areas that the heart says why are we going over here? And then maybe you’ll stumble or maybe you’ll trip, but tripping is important, stumbling is important. Second guessing is important because something inside of you then is summoned, is awakened, to override the second guessing, the doubt, and that T is truth, that’s the ultimate truth.
davidji: 18:24
And so manifesting is like how can I align what’s inside of me with something that’s bigger, so much bigger than everything else? How do I align that? And if I do, wherever I go, I got the universe’s wind underneath my wings. I’m moving in the direction of my dreams, and that’s a win, because that’s how we get there. Everyone wants to manifest something else right now, and I would encourage you. You got to move it out of your head into the tangible world. You have to write it down. You must write that thing down, whatever it is, whether you want to tap it out or type it out or write it out, but you have to move it from concept into the tangible world. Elizabeth, what are your three steps or five steps? Do you have steps? Is that a ridiculous question, even.
Elizabeth Winkler: 19:17
I just think that to allow whatever comes in like pain or doubt to be the fertile soil to really allow that, as I was mentioning before, also to know that you’re not going to know a lot, that you’re going to be in that space of not knowing. After you trust what? Are you trusting? The not knowing space? Well, that’s where manifestation and creation happens.
davidji: 19:44
Wait, wait, wait go deep into that. That is brilliant. That’s so classic Winklerisms, you know. She drops the mic drop line and then just like rolls on as if the lightning bolt has not just come and blown up the entire room. Please repeat.
Elizabeth Winkler: 19:59
I don’t know what I said. I said to trust the not knowing space, to trust the uncertainty of the now. The now is where everything is. So this is why we need to orient to our depth, to our I am-ness.
davidji: 20:16
And we sometimes get so wrapped up in our dream or desire or our seed that we’re missing the entire other component of the process and we’re ignoring the fact that you’re going to second guess and you’re going to doubt. We see that as an impediment while going. If it feels uncertain, if it feels like there’s no ground beneath you.
Elizabeth Winkler: 20:57
Keep going, trust, trust the process, stay connected to your North Star, what you value, what is your deepest driving desire from your soul and from what you value throughout your lifetime, and keep working with that, living from that, not knowing space and allowing what spontaneously arises to be your guide. That is your wisdom in the present moment. It’s not the voice in your head, that’s fear and clinging. You know a lot of people are clinging. I remember having someone in my office many, many years ago who had read every single book and had even written books on the subject but was really really stuck and it was very apparent that this person was so in the clinging, the hoping, hoping, hoping, hoping. And my acronym here we go again is another acronym holding on prevents expansion. So hope when we’re clinging from the mind, space. Holding on prevents that expansion, that creation to occur.
Elizabeth Winkler: 22:03
So, when we cling too much, we block ourselves. So you really got to let go and be like, okay, I’m creating this vision, this visualization that I have in my mind’s eye as I meditate, etc. This or something better, you know, I’m allowing, I’m turning it over to the universe and let this creation fall into the field of my manifestation. I have, personally, when I do any exercise on this, I have, I see this certain field and I do my orientation to my original being, to my soul. I connect my north. Any doubt. I allow that to be a doorway. I get in touch with what is the intention that wants to be born, what is the deepest desire, and then I visualize it on a screen. I see that coming into creation and allow that just to take off. And then after that I let that screen just explode into billions of pieces and they are all seeds that fall into that manifesting field and I let them fall. I let it go and just trust and sit in that space and breathe that in and feel into it and the gratitude of it, the gratitude of that creation. What is it going to bring into other people’s lives? How is it going to touch other people? How will it be enriching. These are for the wealth of all beings, not just for you and you alone.
Elizabeth Winkler: 23:39
I think you can also ask questions if you don’t know what your deepest driving desire.
Elizabeth Winkler: 23:44
What is it that wants to be born from my heart, from my depth, from my pain, from my doubt, from my self-hatred, whatever it may be, from my doubt, from my self-hatred, whatever it may be?
Elizabeth Winkler: 23:58
I think that all of the things that we go through are here to help us create some kind of light from the darkness. I certainly have that for my own life from all the losses that I’ve had, and I do a lot of work in loss and grief, and you know I do a lot of work and loss and grief. I have a project I’m working on in grief. I feel like there’s like millions of angels in the room when I’m working on it, because it’s like, oh, that this is your, this is Dharma, this is your Dharma. Each of us has Dharma, what you know here, and I think it’s usually in the pain that we have gone through, which then gives your pain purpose, and then you become a way of healing the pain that other people have experienced in the same realm and maybe you can speak to Dharma, because you know the roots of that. davidji.
davidji: 24:50
Yeah, well, you’re just blowing me away here. This is so powerful and again a lot of this stuff gets jumbled up. You know what do I want to manifest comes from. You know what are my dreams and desires? We reel it back. What’s my purpose in life? We look back just a little bit more. Who am I? You know the deepest questions we could truly ever ask, and some of us are in the groove right now. We know exactly who we are and we know exactly why we’re here. We’re doing purposeful work. We’re doing acts of fulfillment and service simultaneously. That’s the win. That’s the win when we go into the deepest I happen to have a copy of it right here always travel with a Gita.
davidji: 25:38
I have about 60, 63 Gitas in my life. I keep one in every single important place. So I have one in my car, I have one on the nightstand, one in the bathroom, one in my tool shed, one in this office, one in the podcast room, one in my bed, in case I can’t get to my nightstand. I am heavily Gita’d. One of the most beautiful and powerful things of the Bhagavad Gita, translated as the song of the Lord, is that the word Dharma is used a lot in there. And you have to realize the Bhagavad Gita was written 2300 years ago, so 300 BC. The word Dharma, as it’s referenced within the Gita, means duty. So when we ask ourselves that question, you know what’s my purpose. The Bhagavad Gita answers even more profoundly what’s your duty? And it’s not saying what’s your duty from the moment you were born to the moment that you’re dying. It takes these magnificent snapshots of our existence and says well, what’s your duty now, at this phase of your life? What is your duty now? And this comes from a dharma duty as it is there, but it comes from the Sanskrit root dhri, d-h-r-i. We get the word dharma from that same root, dhri, and dhri means that which upholds. And so, before we’re like questioning what do I want? That’s not this moment we come back to the source of purpose, or the source of duty, or the source of dharma, not what’s the thing that I want that I don’t have, but essentially coming back to the foundation, the ground upon which I stand, that which upholds. This is a classic ancient spiritual teaching that we’re always looking for that thing. We’re seekers, not seers, and we spend so much time in the seek mode, in the looking out there mode, in the gee. I only have three hard-boiled eggs. I sure would like a fourth. Hey, I only have the iPhone 13. I know there’s a 16 coming, and we can go on and on.
davidji: 27:57
I was so excited that I got a new microphone. I’m not using it right now, but I got a new microphone for my meditation recordings, the SM7DB by Shure. I have the SM7B. I’ve had it for 20 years. If you’ve ever listened to me guide you in a meditation, it’s been using that mic. This is the microphone supposedly that Michael Jackson used in Thriller. Don’t know, but it’s definitely the microphone that davidji used on over 1700 meditations.
davidji: 28:23
And then I found, like the new, upgraded version, there’s a new thing and it’s got. What does it say? Active preamp so exciting. So we are in this quest for that which is not now, which drives us to get new lovers, new cars, new money, new crypto, new house, new apartment, new town, new city, new drink, new food, new phones, new whatever, which brings us back to gratitude Always. So, if we look at the most ancient teachings, this concept of dharma is not necessarily to capture something that’s over there in the distance, someplace. It’s to truly first acknowledge what is the ground upon which I stand, what is that which upholds? And then let me allow that to level up in its highest expression.
Elizabeth Winkler: 29:24
Beautiful You’re making me think of. Gratitude creates the energy of receiving. We can’t receive the manifesting experience if we’re. Gratitude creates that flow into us, and so many of us are not in receiver mode, right? So you were putting out. But we also need to be able to bring in that frequency, that vibration of receivership. This is all about frequency. What frequency are you at? And you need to be in the frequency of it in order for it to come in, otherwise it’s like static energy, right, can’t come in. So what are you vibing with? Are you sowing seeds of love? Are you sowing seeds of fear? Are you in? I want that. I want that. I want that. As you said, seeking or in seeing? I am that.
davidji: 30:14
Right, and we see this so often, where it’s like I want my soulmate, and then the person rolls up and we’re like, oh, not actually what I was looking for. I was looking for someone who this is what you’re saying in your head you know, here’s this person who’s sweet, kind, likes you, is entertained by you, looks like they could adore you, but they don’t look like Harry Styles and you had Harry Styles in your head. You know. It was Brad Pitt or Harry Styles, maybe Clooney, but no one else. And this person comes in. Maybe they’re a little bit chubby.
davidji: 30:45
When I was in Starbucks this morning there was a guy in front of me, a guy like you know me, fairly chubby guy with a shirt that says chubby and hard to kidnap, and I thought that was such a great sweatshirt line. I don’t know, maybe I’m the only one. You know. Matteo and Elizabeth are looking at me like keep telling the story, don’t get so entertained with your own. That’s etched inside of me Chubby and hard to kidnap. So right, because if you’re chubbier you’re harder to. Anyway, it’s lost on you guys, so it’s probably lost on everybody listening.
Elizabeth Winkler: 31:24
But this is about anchoring into your abundance, right? So how can we do that, being in that, I am space?
davidji: 31:31
Classic Elizabeth anchoring into your abundance. It’s a mic drop line. It’s one of those things that should end up in some historical book of amazing quotes and she just utters it like and then and then rolls right on. This is one of the things that if every single person on the planet did, we would have these spontaneous manifestations all over the place.
Elizabeth Winkler: 31:53
davidji: 31:53
So talk about how. How can we, how can I right now anchor more or more deeply into my abundance?
Elizabeth Winkler: 32:01
Understand that you are not the voice in your head. A, that’s the whole thing, basically Not the voice in your head. So you need to what we said in the beginning orient to the true self, the I am self, and there might be a lot of things that are standing in the way of that. That’s okay, we can work with that. Meditation is a great tool to help you let go of the voice in your head and to go down into the heart and to heal your heart and allow all of that to become the fertile soil in which you will plant your seed and connect to that North Star and getting into gratitude. What am I grateful for? That? All of those energies will allow you to move deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into your true being, into this present moment that is here now. I mean, just get into your feet. If you anchor into your body, that is a way to anchor into your abundance.
Elizabeth Winkler: 32:57
If you’re putting attention anywhere in your body, your attention is not in your mind, so it’s not feeding those thoughts. You’re in presence. It’s all about being in presence. And then, instead of thinking, what is my sense? I’m sensing rather than thinking. That’s a really powerful tool Instead of we’re moving out of thinking and into sensing. Tool, instead of we’re moving out of thinking and into sensing. What am I drawn to? What is wanting to be born from this deeper?
davidji: 33:26
space. Wow, such a powerful question to ask what is wanting to be born from this deeper space that really allows you to look at this not from the ego, but more as a silent witness, more objectively, which, ideally, should allow truth and love to elevate out of this. So you talk about this concept that you created, known as the boomerang effect, which is, you know someone’s in a relationship, when they end that relationship or they complain about that relationship, and after that they become the thing that they were complaining about, or the thing that they were complaining about or the thing that they resisted in that initial relationship. The boomerang effect is what you called it, but you said there’s sort of like a positive reason for the boomerang.
Elizabeth Winkler: 34:13
So I think the boomerang effect is how manifesting happens, like unconsciously, where we’re always manifesting, we’re just not consciously’re always in a. We’re always manifesting, we’re just not consciously doing it. And when we’re unconscious, the universe brings the thing you judged before in another body, and it doesn’t have to be immediate, it could be immediate, it also could be. I know for myself.
Elizabeth Winkler: 34:36
I went through a relationship with someone and like years later I was in another relationship with someone, I mean many, many years later. And like years later I was in another relationship with someone I mean many, many years later, and I’m like, oh my gosh, he’s me back in those that relationship, and it helped me forgive myself and my ex. I think it’s the universe’s way of trying to put us on the opposite side. We talked in another episode about there’s a six in front of me and you see it as a nine. It’s like now I’m in nine and that person’s in six, and I’m understanding and able to let go of my strong belief system that they were doing something wrong and I was right or not in this.
davidji: 35:20
You know, right, wrong good bad space of the ego, rather-. What Elizabeth’s talking about. This is something that happened in another episode, where I took a piece of paper and I wrote a six on it, placed it between us and I’m looking at a six, but she’s on the other side of the table, so she sees it as a nine and we can argue till the cows come home. It’s a six, it’s a nine, it’s a six, it’s a nine, and we’re both technically right, but we’re not seeing the other person’s perspective. So Elizabeth’s breakthrough moment in that instruction is help me see your six.
Elizabeth Winkler: 36:00
Help me understand. Yeah, help me understand. That’s what we can do in our relational conflict. However, the boomerang effect is literally putting you on the other side, and this is what I see with clients Instead of saying help me see your.
davidji: 36:14
suddenly it’s like here you are. Now you are the thing that you resisted and whined and complained about.
Elizabeth Winkler: 36:21
Totally so. This is happening to us all the time and you can start to look at this and if you have your own stories of this, let me know, because I’m actually working on a book on this right now, called the Boomerang Effect, and I have all of these stories personally, professionally, that I see about how this is happening and, if you can allow it, when you’re sitting in that experience and you’re like, oh gosh, this reminds me of when I was doing that thing, I was clinging onto someone and now I’m the one pulling away. That’s what my ex did or whatever it is. That’s one of the examples. It’s just trying to help you understand that other situation. Now you’re in it and it’s just a beautiful way to have compassion and empathy for ourselves and each other and forgiveness.
Elizabeth Winkler: 37:08
That’s like manifesting from an unconscious place and then we can learn how to be more conscious in our lives Any other guidance. So when we are in our manifesting experience and you know, we can get really in our heads about it and, as you said, like, oh, is this the dream guy that I was manifesting or not? And you know, I think it’s, allow yourself to discover, stay open, maybe, maybe not Be with what’s arising in your life, because it’s manifesting, and see what you are sensing rather than what you are thinking about it. I’ll let you talk about today’s takeaway.
davidji: 37:52
And now it’s time for today’s takeaway, which we often refer to as living the light.
Elizabeth Winkler: 38:00
What do you think it is?
davidji: 38:01
Well, since our theme has been manifesting, although we have expanded those lanes, the manifesting superhighway. Today’s takeaway number one trust your heart. Number two there’s nothing out there that you need to create. It has already been delivered to you. Can you trust, as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said? Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself? That doesn’t mean don’t do anything. It means prep, get ready, tap into your inner essence and allow. That’s today’s takeaway. My name is davidji. I’m here with the magnificent manifester of all alchemical transformations, Elizabeth Winkler. This is the Shadow and the Light podcast. Jamar, help us do a little manifesting here.
Music: 39:02
I will not be afraid of the shadows in the dark. They will lead the way to the hidden pathways of the heart and that secret place. That is where I find my start. I must start.
Music: 39:28
The light is here to remove all my fears and to bring new sight. The light is the time that will go to the deep to take me to you the shadow and the light. There’s no fog and rock bottom. You hold it as you’re on the mend, but don’t rush past this moment. The darkness can become a friend. Love will come by your side and you’ll shine brighter than a million suns A million suns. You went through hell, but now you’re in the light. It is here to remove all your fears and to bring new sight. The light, the light. It is love that will go to the deep To take you to new heights. To new heights. The shadow and the light has come to set us free. The light has come to set us free. The shadow comes to set us free. The shadow comes to set us free. The light Is here to remove all our fears and to bring new life. The light Is here to remove all our fears and to bring new life. The shadow and the light. We’ll see you next time.